(EDITOR'S NOTE — Over the holidays, Pretty in Plaid guitarists Joel Proulz and Lou Muscato, and drummer Rob Vansaders, joined with Adam Drzyzga, founder of Frostbelt Entertainment, for a cover of Punchline's "Open Up." With Adam on bass, the group not only recorded the song, but shot a video as well, filmed by Buffalo photographer Adam Seitz. It's a cool story, one that we're going to let Lou tell in his own words. Check out the video below too.)
Lou Muscato, guitarist, Pretty in Plaid:
"This all came about very, very quickly over the holidays. Pretty in Plaid mutually agreed to take a month-long break to spend time with family and be out of town for the holidays. During that time, Joel, Rob and I came up with the idea to do a cover and landed on the idea to celebrate the upcoming 20th anniversary of the release of “Action” by Punchline (from Pittsburgh, Pa).
"We needed a bass player and backing vocals to really complete the song, so Lou recruited the person who introduced him to Punchline back in 2005 — Adam Drzyzga (Frostbelt Entertainment.) Adam's one of my best friends. The song was recorded on Christmas Eve at PWS Studios (in Amherst) and the video for it was shot about three weeks later. This will probably be a one-time thing with this group, but I have plans to regularly upload acoustic punk covers to my channel, starting in the coming weeks. Pretty in Plaid is also currently in the process of recording a two-song EP for release sometime in March or April.
"We’ve actually been in contact with Punchline and they told us that the entire band was in their van on tour together driving to the next show and they listened to the cover together and really were flattered/impressed. Very cool experience for us just based on that alone!"