A Message to Our Readers:
Since being founded in April 2023, 1120 Press has been a self-funded DIY operation. While we've considered various ways to generate revenue — (i.e. subscription to the 1120 Press site and/or a subscription to a Patreon, etc...) — none have appealed to us. The last thing we want to do is charge artists. And because we want to build community and encourage that community to support local artists in all mediums, we've ruled out charging members of the public too. Everyone is vital to our scene, and so we choose not to charge anyone to take part in it.
Covering the Buffalo scene is a huge job. I've described it as trying to capture water with a butterfly net. In an attempt to expand our reach, we have slowly added staff. They are dedicated. And, we pay for their time. Not a lot. We're talking beer money.
We spend an enormous amount of time covering the scene, and it's a labor of love for all involved. Buffalo artists should not work in a vacuum. In deciding against any type of subscription plan, we've opted instead to raise funds through voluntary means — through your support and merch (coming soon). Please consider supporting 1120 Press so that we can continue to support the scene we all love. A 'DONATE' button and VENMO link are on this page.
Thank you for all you do to make our scene what it is!
Matt Smith
1120 Press Founder/Publisher
Please Consider Supporting 1120 Press
Whether it's $20, $10, $5 or 50 cents, every little bit helps us cover expenses so that we can cover the scene. .
A million times: Thank you!