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Songs in Memory of a Friend: Musician Reese Daniels Offers Some Words on Erik Robinson

(Editor's Note — Erik Robinson, the drummer of the Buffalo band, Daze Ago, passed unexpectedly Oct. 31. There is now a playlist on Spotify in his memory, found HERE . There is also a Go Fund Me to benefit his son, found HERE. As part of our effort to highlight the playlist, which we hope you save and share, 1120 Press asked Buffalo musician Reese Daniels to offer a few words on his friend Erik. He very graciously agreed and we are thankful.)

Erik loved music; it was one of the biggest things we bonded over during our 15-year acquaintance, so what better way to honor the memory of a former bandmate?

A versatile musician himself, he played percussion for a great many projects during his relatively short time in the Buffalo music scene. Spanning genres from hardcore punk to jazz, or reggae rock to indie pop; his ability to perform in many styles is fittingly mirrored by how eclectic this playlist turned out to be.

I miss my friend and hearing his drumming in the next room, but I have a chance to hear his best takes (or maybe recall a few wild karaoke nights) any time I give it a spin .

RIP Erik; I know you're making good use of the sticks I sent with ya.

Love always,



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